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Acreditación de Estudios Habilitación para el Trabajo

Es el reconocimiento de conclusión de los estudios Habilitación para el Trabajo, que establece el Ministerio de Educación.

Dirigido a:

Estudiantes que aprobaron el plan de estudios Habilitación para el Trabajo en las diferentes ramas y menciones contempladas en las ordenanzas que regulan estos planes.

Resultados del servicio:

Estudios Habilitación para el Trabajo acreditado (certificación).

Área responsable:

Dirección de Acreditación y Titulación de Estudios.

Dirección General de Educación de Adultos.

Documentos requeridos para adquirir el servicio:

  • Comunicación del centro donde realizó sus estudios de Habilitación para el Trabajo, validado por el Distrito Educativo y la Dirección General de Educación de Adultos, remitiendo anexo:
  • Acta de nacimiento original del estudiante o copia de la Cédula de Identidad
  • Acta de Calificaciones
  • Certificado de Habilitación para el Trabajo, firmado y sellado

Procedimientos para adquirir el servicio:

Llamar a la Dirección de Acreditación y Titulación de Estudios y solicitar verificar si está incluido en la base de datos, si no está incluido, dirigirse al Centro donde realizó sus estudios. El Centro deberá tramitar la solicitud de acreditación de estudios Habilitación para el Trabajo, depositando los documentos requeridos para el servicio en la Dirección General  de Educación de Adultos.

Costo del servicio:


Tiempo de entrega del resultado del servicio:

Tres (3) días laborables.

Horario del servicio:

Lunes a Viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.

Recibido de documentos hasta las 3:30 p.m.

Canal de prestación del servicio:


Contactos del área:

Teléfonos: (809) 688-9700 Ext. 2818

Correo: [email protected]

Recibo de documentos hasta las 3:30 p.m.

Ubicación del área que brindará el servicio:

Ministerio de Educación (MINERD). Anexo Norte. Av. Máximo Gómez No. 2, Esq. C/Santiago, Gazcue, Distrito Nacional.

Dónde recibir este servicio:

Valore nuestro servicio

Los campos marcados con (*) son obligatorios



How Can i Recover Stolen Bitcoin From an Investment Scam- Consult iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY The most reputable and trustworthy recovery agents available today are those from iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY. They are the most excellent recovery professionals I have encountered. A few months back, someone who fooled me into believing they were an online Forex trader conned me out of $125,000 worth of Bitcoin. I made an investment on this website and ultimately had to pay more to take the profit I had initially paid for. I became aware that I was being conned and used simultaneously. When I went online to search for recovery, I saw numerous testimonies regarding iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY and how they had assisted other people in getting their money back. I didn’t hesitate to contact them and after providing all the information they needed, They were able to recover my money. For anyone in a similar situation seeking to recover funds lost to online scams, contact iFORCE now Homepage; iforcehackersrecovery.c o m Mail: contact@iforcehackersrecovery . c om WhatApp; 1, 240 ( 803, 37 06

Nina Williams


My name is Nina Williams, and I am divorced. I have three kids with my ex-husband, who messed up my credit report before we got divorced. This made my life with my kids a living hell, and I felt frustrated. However, I met a friend in church who recommended H A C K M A V E N S CREDIT SPECIALIST. I contacted them, and within 7 days, they fixed my credit and increased my score from 515 to 785. Now, I can take loans, own a house, and run a business. If you have any credit-related issues, you can reach out to them via EMAIL: H A C K M A V E N S 5 @ G M A I L. C O M or Call/Text/Whats-App: [+ 1 (2 0 9) 4 1 7 – 1 9 5 7].

James Blood


I lost my investment capital and profits trading online, they kept on requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk had declined, I found it very hard to move on. God so kind I followed a broadcast that teaches on how scammed victims can recover their fund through the help of Gavin ray a recovery specialist, I contacted his email provided for consultation, I got feedback after some hours and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover my money back including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back. Contact his email:gavinray78 gmail com or whatsapp +1 352 322 2096

Emily Noah


When I found Dr.Oniha I was in desperate need of bringing my ex lover back. He left me for another woman. It happened so fast and I had no say in the situation at all. He just dumped me after 3 years with no explanation. I contacted Dr.Oniha through his website and He told me what I need to do before he can help me and I did what he told me, after i provided what he wanted, he cast a love spell to help us get back together. Shortly after he did his spell, my boyfriend started texting me again and felt horrible for what he just put me through. He said that I was the most important person in his life and he knows that now. We moved in together and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than before. Ever since Dr.Oniha helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before. I highly recommend Dr. Oniha to anyone in need of relationship/marriage help. Email:[email protected] Call/Whatsapp +16692213962

Rita C. Taylor


MY CRYPTO RECOVERY EXPERIENCE 2024 WARNING: Scammers will stop at nothing to steal your hard-earned money! But, I'm living proof that JETWEBHACKERS can help you RECLAIM YOUR LOST FUNDS! I thought I'd lost my life savings of $37,640 after investing with a fake broker (30 X COIN ), promising me a whopping $370,400 profit to fund my urgent surgery. But, JETWEBHACKERS didn't give up on me. They worked tirelessly to track down my money and recover it. And, after months of intense effort, they successfully recovered my entire investment - $58,000! I'm now able to focus on my health and recovery, knowing that I've been given a second chance thanks to JETWEBHACKERS. Don't let scammers ruin your life like they almost did mine! If you're in a similar situation, don't hesitate to reach out to JETWEBHACKERS. They'll be your champion in the fight against online fraud!" CONTACT THEM VIA EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

Rita C. Taylor


MY CRYPTO RECOVERY EXPERIENCE 2024 WARNING: Scammers will stop at nothing to steal your hard-earned money! But, I'm living proof that JETWEBHACKERS can help you RECLAIM YOUR LOST FUNDS! I thought I'd lost my life savings of $37,640 after investing with a fake broker (30 X COIN ), promising me a whopping $370,400 profit to fund my urgent surgery. But, JETWEBHACKERS didn't give up on me. They worked tirelessly to track down my money and recover it. And, after months of intense effort, they successfully recovered my entire investment - $58,000! I'm now able to focus on my health and recovery, knowing that I've been given a second chance thanks to JETWEBHACKERS. Don't let scammers ruin your life like they almost did mine! If you're in a similar situation, don't hesitate to reach out to JETWEBHACKERS. They'll be your champion in the fight against online fraud!" CONTACT THEM VIA EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

Rita C. Taylor


MY CRYPTO RECOVERY EXPERIENCE 2024 WARNING: Scammers will stop at nothing to steal your hard-earned money! But, I'm living proof that JETWEBHACKERS can help you RECLAIM YOUR LOST FUNDS! I thought I'd lost my life savings of $37,640 after investing with a fake broker (30 X COIN ), promising me a whopping $370,400 profit to fund my urgent surgery. But, JETWEBHACKERS didn't give up on me. They worked tirelessly to track down my money and recover it. And, after months of intense effort, they successfully recovered my entire investment - $58,000! I'm now able to focus on my health and recovery, knowing that I've been given a second chance thanks to JETWEBHACKERS. Don't let scammers ruin your life like they almost did mine! If you're in a similar situation, don't hesitate to reach out to JETWEBHACKERS. They'll be your champion in the fight against online fraud!" CONTACT THEM VIA EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers



SYLVESTER BRYANT is a legitimate crypto recovery company master that was able to get 101% of my scammed funds recovered after negotiation by the way this is the only reliable service at the moment that will help you recover it plus benefit from the government {compensation} for any inconveniences that led to your scammed funds.. using this services guarantee you the most legal way getting your funds back For more info Email SYLVESTER BRYANT: [email protected]

Frank Lewis


Hello everyone, my name is Frank Lewis from Boston. I was among those who invested a good amount of money and time into crypto trading and ended up losing it all to a fake crypto scam. I was in huge debt and was going into depression until I came across a page pouring out praises about a Crypto recovery company FIRMWALL CYBER SECURITY COMPANY. At first, I was not fully convinced about their service but after losing more than a million dollars to a crypto scam, I decided to give it a try and see how it went, and to my biggest surprise, FIRMWALL CYBER SECURITY SERVICE was able to recover the crypto funds that was stolen from me. Truly, I’m still in shock about it because I thought I had lost it all. I’m very happy to know there is such a company out there to help scam victims recover their funds. I highly recommend their service to everyone out there who needs the same service. Their Contact Information: FIRMWALLCYBER@TECHIE . COM FIRMWALLCYBER.WIXSITE.COM/FIRMWALL WHATS APP + 1 937 542 066 7



HOW DO I RECOVER MONEY LOST ON CRYPTO - CONTACT iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY TODAY iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY has unmatched specialist experience when it comes to recovering Lost or Stolen BTC/USDT. This Hacker is skilled at negotiating the complexity of blockchain technology since they have developed their abilities in tracking down and retrieving cryptocurrency funds. iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY can find and collect lost valuables with greater accuracy and efficiency than standard recovery methods because it uses sophisticated tools and processes. For those wishing to retrieve their Lost BTC/USDT, this guarantees a safe and dependable procedure free from the possibility of additional losses or difficulties. Contact them immediately Website; iforcehackersrecovery.c o m WhatApp; 1, 240 ( 803, 37 06. Contact Mail: contact@iforcehackersrecovery . c om

Deacon Mark


Greetings from Deacon Mark from Florida, United State. It is so overwhelming to know that honest hackers do still exist these days though it's hard to get to them. Have been living under a blind romantic scam with my girlfriend not knowing he was after my Dad money, no way to get to my dad except through me, he was hired to ruin my life. He made me fall in love with him so crazy and after two months of our relationship he traveled without my knowledge and I was so worried about him because I couldn't reach him and this lead me to Wizard Brixton and it was not easy getting to know this great wizard, I email him directly via WIZARDBRIXTON (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM and he then asked me to reach him on WhatsApp if my case was very urgent and I urgently contacted him Immediately I contacted him' I asked him to help me with the exact location of my girlfriend where-about and he then asked for his mobile number and I gave it out to him not so long he just asked me to wait for 15 minutes and exactly the time he gave to me he got back with unbelievable news. ?I wouldn't have believed him if he didn't get back with proof because I so much trusted my girlfriend and loved her, why I log in to the mobile spy anonymous monitor I saw for myself that she was with another Man in Maryland, USA. I then see all conversations and WhatsApp voice records with his boss. Well, All thanks to Wizard Brixton though it actually hurts to know the truth his services I highly recommend and he is very active and fast with a sense of humor. Do reach him today for similar cases and loss of funds. He also retrieves my funds back , I email him directly via WIZARDBRIXTON (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM ?Telegram :



Recover lost crypto investment and stolen crypto If I had to guess, I'd say binary options are more of a play roulette, especially if your broker determines to make an investment on behalf of you. That explains why I lost all of my investments to a ruse firm who claimed to have made investments on my behalf and caused me to lose a significant sum of money. However, in a nutshell , I did some investigation and connected with a hacker group called PERFECT CRYPTO RECOVERY SERVICES. Because PERFECT CRYPTO RECOVERY SERVICES are genuinely professionals in this industry, an investigative process was carried out on the transactions, and within a few working days, I received my money back. You can notify the PERFECT CRYPTO RECOVERY SERVICES of your missing Crypto, and they will undoubtedly assist you in getting your crypto recovered. They are quite proficient in this profession, much like doctors. Below is their contact details : Email : [email protected] Telegram: @perfectcryptoservices WhatsApp at: +1 719 877- 4944

Cate Watts


WHO IS THE BEST HACKER TO RECOVER BITCOIN? LOST RECOVERY MASTERS #1. LOST RECOVERY MASTERS Lost Recovery Masters is a renowned Bitcoin recovery expert with over a decade of experience in the field. They have a background in cybersecurity and have obtained licenses and certifications that have equipped them with the necessary skills to recover lost investments. Their expertise has been recognized by numerous individuals and organizations, with many success stories and testimonials to their name. For instance, they were able to recover $800,000 worth of Bitcoin for a client who had lost her investment to a fake investment scheme. Their success stories have made many individuals seek their help to recover their lost investments.The Team is able to track the movement of most cryptocurrencies and assets, If the cryptocurrency has been moved, they are able to follow it and recover it. Email: ([email protected]) Learn More: ( )

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